I-DID 316
Academic, Istanbul Bilgi University, Spring 2016
Elective: Hacking Materials and Production Methods | Tutor: Benay Gursoy
Description: The motivation in this course was to investigate potential ways to expand the designers' tool set and comprehend the making process as designers. Working as a research group of 15, one of the prototypes we produced was I-DID 316. I-DID 316 is a collective, open source e ort to build and improve and document a DIY 3D delta printer project by Jonathan Keep for paste extrusion. As with many open-source projects, certain parts and codes were modified and documented accordingly. Changes are made in firmware, hardware and electronics in order to accommodate parts that can be found in Turkey as well as improvements made on 3D printed parts like print center and runners and CAD files for laser cutting. Following the build, we have worked material experimentations through variations on the fabrication process. Variables such as viscosity of the clay, pressure of the nozzle were altered and documented.